Commercial & Industrial Buildings
PCE has extensive engineering experience with commercial and industrial buildings throughout the Mackay Region & the Mining Sector.
One of our more recent projects is a new fuel station and fast-food restaurant in Walkerston, constructed from a combination of concrete tilt-up panel walls and steel framing.
The structural team at PCE collaborated with the client and sub-contractors to deliver a cost-effective design that achieves the desired outcomes for the project.
Slab and Footing Inspections
New legislation in the building industry requiring engineers to undertake inspections of all residential slab and footings has resulted in a significant increase of structural inspections of this type. PCE provides inspections in accordance with certified plans, onsite advice and Form 16 certification to various Builders in the Mackay Region.
Seaforth State School Multi-Purpose Structure
Paragon was engaged by The Department of Housing and Public Works to design a functional and cost-effective new multi-purpose shade structure, to be utilized by the staff and students at Seaforth State School.
Our structural team worked closely with the client to ensure their requirements were achieved and a design concept produced, that incorporated the new steel structure into the existing landscape and building layout.
2020 Dilapidation Reports for Mackay Northern Access Upgrades
A major upgrade to the Bruce Highway from Bald Hill Road to Sam’s Road Intersection was undertaken in Mackay during 2020 to 2021. PCE assisted in undertaking nearly 90 dilapidation reports on houses in close proximity to the project.
Underwater Sculptures - Great Barrier Reef
PCE worked closely with a number of the fantastic artists working on the Whitsunday Reef Recovery & Public Art Project. Our structural team provided detailed design for the sculptures. In these photos, one of our clients, Adriaan Vanderlugt stands with his masterpiece, an aluminium Manta Ray that spans an incredible 3.5m. Working on this project with Adriaan were, Scott Lee (executed the welding) and Arthur Gabey (provided the Indigenous Imagery). Also, Dr. Adam Smith and Jo Stacey from Reef Ecological as well as Whitsunday Tourism Guru Al Grundy and Denise Vanderlugt.
Residential - River's Edge Estate, Glenella, Mackay
PCE was engaged by multiple builders during the design phase to provide engineering for the various house layouts. This site presented many challenges due to the proximity of the walls of one house to another and required some innovative solutions. PCE also provided construction inspections and resolved any unforseen site issues during construction.
Willets Road Medical Centre – Combined Tilt-up Panel Steel Structure
This architecturally designed medical centre is located in central Mackay just north of the Pioneer River. PCE worked closely with the architect to provide the detailed structural design for the complex. Constructed from both structural steel and reinforced concrete tilt-up panels, this modern building is an excellent example of local expertise.
Cyclone & Storm Damage Assessment
PCE is highly experienced in providing structural assessments in relation to cyclone and storm damage. After a significant weather event, our structural team can assess the structure for any signs of damage and provide recommendations for repairs or replacement. PCE is able to assess structures at various locations through Queensland.